Planted 33,405 Trees....Mission to plant 1 Lac Trees

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

New Exclusive Member

We are glad to inform you that A.H.M Rahat Ahmed become our new Exclusive Member. 

At Comilla Tree Festival
Let's give him a big hand for being an Exclusive Member.

He Contributed 500+ Trees till today.

He was present as Guest Member at our 1st Tree Festival.

After our first Tree Festival he joined Tree for Mankind Team as Active Member. 

We are happy to inform you that he attended our Third, Forth & Fifth Tree Festival in Mymensingh, Bogra & Comilla respectively. 

In each Tree Festival where he attended worked as like a day laborer, his active participation made our festival easy and well organized. 

Lot of Thanks & Congratulation for Rahat Ahmed from Tree for Mankind 

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